CLOSING DATE: 29 October 2021
SALARY: R102 534 per annum (Level 02)
CENTRE: SAAF College, Thaba Tshwane, Pretoria.
REQUIREMENTS: A minimum of Grade 10 or ABET Level 1 – 4. Previous working experience related to the post will be an advantage. Special requirements (Skills needed): Communicate effectively. Must be physically fit and healthy.
DUTIES: Prepare and present food products. Clean and sanitise the kitchen and dining area environments (i.e. Keep the fridge clean daily, tables, cutlery, crockery, stoves, cupboards, etc.)
ENQUIRIES: Maj N. Rantsome/Lt P. Magana Tel No: (012) 351 5040/5172
APPLICATIONS: Department of Defence, South African Air Force College, Private Bag X1008, Thaba Tshwane 0143.
NOTE: Applications must be submitted on the prescribed form Z83 (obtainable from any Public Service Department office i.e. effective 01 January 2021. Should an application be received using incorrect application employment form Z83, it will be disqualified), which must be originally signed and dated by the applicant and which must be accompanied by a detailed CV (with full particulars of the applicants’ training, qualifications, competencies, knowledge & experience) and clear copies of original educational qualification certificates, ID document and Driver’s license (where applicable). Failure to comply with the above instructions will result in applications being disqualified. Applicants applying for more than one post must submit a separate form Z83 (as well as the documentation mentioned above) in respect of each post being applied for. If an applicant wishes to withdraw an application it must be done in writing. Should an application be received where an applicant applies for more than one post on the same applications form, the application will only be considered
for the first post indicated on the application and not for any of the other posts. Under no circumstances will photostat copies or faxed copies of application documents be accepted. The successful candidates will be subjected to Personnel Suitability Checks (criminal record, citizenship & financial/asset record checks, and qualification and employment verification). Successful candidates will also be subjected to security clearance processes