CLOSING DATE: 27 September 2021
SALARY: R122 595 per annum
CENTRE: Provincial Office Eastern Cape

REQUIREMENTS: Grade 10. Valid driver’s license. Knowledge: Departmental Policies and procedures, Public Service Act, All legislation relevant to the post. Skills: Planning and Organizing, Computer literacy, Interpersonal relationship, Conflict Management, Verbal and written communication, Time Management.

DUTIES: Provide messenger services within the Provincial Office (Daily). Assist with general administrative duties within the Unit (Daily).
ENQUIRIES: Mr S Bata Tel No: 043 701 3047.

APPLICATIONS: Chief Director: Provincial Operations, Private Bag X 9005 East London, 5201, Hand delivers at No.3 Hill Street East London.

FOR ATTENTION: Chief Director: Provincial Operations Email:

NOTE : NB: All attachments for online applications must including Z83 be in PDF and in one (1) file, indicate the correct job title and the reference number of the post on the subject line of your email. Use the correct email address associated with the post. Failure to do so, your application will be disqualified. Note: Applications quoting the relevant reference number must be submitted on the new form Z83, obtainable from any Public Service Department or on the internet at Received applications using the incorrect application for employment (old Z83) will not be considered. Each application for employment form must be fully completed, duly signed and initialed by the applicant. Failure to sign this form may lead to disqualification of the application during the selection process.