R102 534 per annum
CENTRE: Port Elizabeth Regional Office
REQUIREMENTS: ABET certificate with relevant working experience related to the post. Ability to read and write. Good communication skills and interpersonal skills. Ability to perform routine tasks. Knowledge of cleaning methods, material, and equipment. Ability to work physically for long hours.
DUTIES: The effective cleaning of kitchens. Wash dishes, refill water bottles with fresh water. Wash kitchen floors, clean stoves and kitchen appliances. Assist with tea and coffee during Forums/meetings.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. Z Nqana Tel No: (041) 408 2356
APPLICATIONS: may be forwarded to Head Office: Post: The Director-General, Department of Public Works and Infrastructure, Private Bag X65, Pretoria, 0001 or Hand-delivery: The CGO Building, Corner Bosman and Madiba Streets, Pretoria. For Attention: Ms N.P. Mudau.
Port Elizabeth Applications: The Regional Manager, Department of Public Works, Private Bag X 3913, North End, Port Elizabeth, 6056.For Attention: Ms. S Mafanya
CLOSING DATE : 11 June 2021 at 16H00
NOTE: The Department of Public Works and Infrastructure is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Kindly take note that with effect from 01 January 2021, DPSA approved the new Z83 application form, you are all requested to use it and failure to use the new application form your application will be disqualified,, obtainable from any Public Service Department and must be accompanied by a comprehensive CV, originally certified copies of qualifications (matric certificate, certificates of qualifications), a valid Driver’s License (where required) and Identification Document (certified within 6 months). Applications not complying with the above will be disqualified.